Wednesday, January 22, 2025

CDC January Minutes

Clayton Dive Club Minutes

Date: January 17, 2025

The meeting was opened by vice president John Krake at 5:05 on January 17, 2025. In attendance were Kathi McCarthy, Dennis McCarthy, Skip Couch, John Krake, and Matt McCullouch. 

The November meeting minutes were approved by members.

The Treasurer's Report was deferred to the next meeting.

Divers Access Dock - The Village of Clayton proposed date of installation is for May 2025. Dennis recommended that a club member should stop in to the village offices to ask about progress. Skip volunteered to stop this week.

Ships Wheel of the AE Vickery - Repeated attempts have been made by CDC to contact and view the helm for restoration. The ABM has stalled and delayed communications regarding the helm for over a year. Mayor Hyde, Village of Clayton, recently reached out to the Antique Boat Museum with similar interests to display the helm. The ABM has replied, "we are in direct communications with NYS Parks and Recreation about a future home for the wheel of the Vickery which is part of ABM's permanent collection."

Lake Ontario Waterfront Festival - NY Sea Grant has invited CDC to set up an educational booth at the Lake Ontario Waterfront Festival in Oswego NY on May 17, 2025. John Cannaday of NY Sea Grant has said, the festival "is primarily focused on safe boating in, on, and around Lake Ontario and connecting people with the lake". Members agreed a CDC booth would be good exposure for the Clayton dive community.

Dive Symposium - Suggestions from members - Advertise early, begin advertising in February to minimize schedule conflicts. Ask for a representative from NOAA to speak regarding the newly designated Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary. Helen from Abucs was mentioned as another guest speaker. Skip Couch is planning to speak again with a general theme of "old time Clayton divers." - Skip and Scott have resurrected the gazette which was started in the 1960s. It will be covering the Thousand Islands news and area events. 

The next club meeting is scheduled for February 20 at 5 PM at the Clayton village municipal building. The meeting was adjourned by Skip at 6:10. 

Dates / Activities -

January 22 at 7 pm. Tune into to hear from a scuba shop owner in Key West FL.

February 5 at 10am Dennis McCarthy will be speaking at the TI Museum "Hashing Over History"

February 20 at 5 pm is our next club meeting in the Clayton village municipal building.

April 5 - Dive Symposium

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