Monday, December 30, 2019

Clayton Diving Club - 2020 Officers

The election of officers for 2020 for the Clayton Diving Club are as follows:


President – no nominee

Vice President – John Krake

Treasurer – Ken Kozin

Secretary – Joe Dudiak 





Sunday, December 1, 2019

Re: Clayton Diving Club - annual Christmas dinner

On Sun, Dec 1, 2019 at 11:42 AM, Joe Dudiak
<> wrote:

The annual Christmas dinner will be held on Monday December 16 at the Coal Dock restaurant in Cape Vincent beginning at 5:30.  Anyone interested in attending should send their RSVP to by December 3.   We need a headcount to notify the restaurant so please respond if you plan to attend.

Great to have the CDC C-Party in CV and at the Coal Docks!!!  Sandra and I are in snowy Lincoln NE, but will think of you all Lucky Ducks.  --Bruce

Clayton Diving Club - annual Christmas dinner

The annual Christmas dinner will be held on Monday December 16 at the Coal Dock restaurant in Cape Vincent beginning at 5:30.  Anyone interested in attending should send their RSVP to by December 3.   We need a headcount to notify the restaurant so please respond if you plan to attend.