Saturday, May 4, 2019

Clayton Diving Club Status Informational and planning Meeting

Clayton Diving Club Status Informational and  planning Meeting Thursday May 9th from 5:30 to 6:45 pm in the downstairs conference room at the Hawn Memorial Library, 220 John St, Clayton, NY .

1) Dennis will present an update on the possibility of NOAA designating a national marine sanctuary in eastern Lake Ontario to protect historically significant shipwrecks and related maritime heritage resources. (This area is most of the eastern end of Lake Ontario including the water area from the Village to the Town of Lime)

2) The  CDC booth at the  2019 International Boating Safety event. The club has been invited by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary to participate in this  event held at Bonnie Castle on June 1 from 10-5 pm.

Members wanting to help or attend the event should attend the meeting.

3) Dennis will present the results of a 3d model from a gopro video provided by Bob Sherwood of a sunken power boat of Bonnie Castle then last month.



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