Monday, March 10, 2014

Clayton Dive Club news!

The Clayton Dive Club announced their 2014 Dive Schedule as follows.

Work on Clayton Diver's Access (Date to be determined)
Dive On Clayton Diver's Access-May 17
Dive Rothsay and Conastoga-June 21
East Cliff Hall-July 12
Brockville Dive-August 16
Trash Dive (Clayton)-Sept. 20
Vickery Dive-Oct. 4

You can follow the dive club at  for some interesting discussions at 7 PM on the following dates:

- March 12 - Diver safety lead by a professor from London England.
- March 19 - See some of the latest Diving video games
- March 26 Commercial treasure diving from Key West, Florida
The archives of past meetings are now available on the website.

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